Lisa Solis DeLong At The All-Inclusive Rythmia Resort

Ayahuasca Retreat Rythmia Guest

Lisa Solis DeLong

Lisa Solis DeLong RN is a sought after inspirational speaker and author. Her message of hope, healing and deep wisdom has been derived from over twenty years of raising two sons with cancer, one living and one gone. Lisa’s first son, Justin, was diagnosed with leukemia at age five, was in remission for almost ten years, relapsed and died at the age of fifteen. Six years later, her youngest son, Jacob, was diagnosed with the same kind of leukemia. Jacob is now a healthy teen.

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Through the voice of her disincarnate son, Lisa shares insights on living a truly joyful life. During profound spiritual experiences at the bedside of her boys, Lisa was gifted with the ability to hear and know deep truths about life, death and living with purpose. Through her book, workshops, and blogs Lisa has been sharing these insights but her favorite forum is live audiences where the magic of real time experience occurs. Masterful, witty, and tender to the needs of the grieving, Lisa’s heartfelt desire to live her calling as a healer, nurse and empath shines through. You don’t want to miss this unique opportunity to experience Lisa live at Rythmia.
To learn more about Lisa, visit:

WORKSHOP: From Child Loss to Channeling – How to Become Your Own Medium


Dates: July 29 – August 5, 2018

The workshop intention is to help others release their limiting beliefs and fears around connecting with loved ones who have transitioned and to expand their spiritual awareness of what’s possible. Through storytelling and exercises attendees will strengthen their sensitivity to channeling and expand their understanding of mediumship as an innate skill in us all.

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Day 1 – You as Your Beliefs: Let Go, Unload, Rebuild
Story of Justin: During the fifteen years of raising her son, Justin, who had leukemia, Lisa had spiritual experiences that rocked her belief system and challenged everything she knew. She dreamt his death the night before it happened. At first, this frightened her, but over time, she realized she had been caged by her own thinking. She struggled to put things back together which created a tug of war between what she had and what she was experiencing. All losses are opportunities to break free from limited beliefs that no longer serve us. The following exercise helps the attendees identify, release and step into freedom.

Exercise – Cage Free Thinking
Attendees have a copy of a bird cage in their workbook.
What are your beliefs about mediumship and channeling?
What have you been told about communicating with loved ones who are deceased?
Write each belief on a bar.
Beliefs are the bars that create the cage we live in oftentimes without conscious awareness.

Meditation: Once guests identify their cage of beliefs, Lisa will take you through a guided meditation in which you will go from feeling the constriction of being caged to feeling the freedom that comes with cage-free thinking and the possibility of interacting with your loved ones in new and real ways.

Day 2 – Developing the Sensitivity: Focus on the Good in Front of You.
Story of Jacob’s Near-death Experience. Jacob was nine months old when Lisa’s son, Justin died. In her fresh grief, baby Jacob literally slapped her across the face which taught her to focus on the good in front of her. Lisa was so grateful to learn this before Jacob was also diagnosed with the same leukemia at the age of six. Lisa had such anger at God. She thought, how was it possible that this was happening again? She had done everything right the first time. Her second life changing spiritual breakthrough happened inside Jacob’s hospital room. He was dying and yet, she felt completely euphoric. Lisa connected with the Source of all life and knew instantly that he would live. The fact that I could know this Truth while being presented with its opposite expanded my awareness of our inter-connectedness with Source.

Exercise – Book Your Own Appointment
In this exercise, guests will experience one way in which they can communicate with their loved ones by inviting them into that field of possibility that they connected with in day one.
Pick a book and place it on your lap. (Books will be provided)
Lisa will guide a meditation into the field where they’ll connect with their loved one using all of their senses.
“Ask your loved one a question and then open the book.”
“Where does your eye go? What is there? Keep reading until you feel you’ve found your answer or feel like you’re in conversation with them, that they’re hearing you and are answering you.”
Brief journaling of your experience.

Day 3 – You as the Medium: Create Enduring Connections

The spirit world uses the material world to communicate with us as you experienced yesterday. So, we’re strengthening our skill of seeing our loved ones even though they are no longer in physical form. We are tuning into our channel. Stay curious and look for signs and clues.

Story of Elizabeth and Her Mother, Emily. Elizabeth was a six-year-old cancer patient who was the same age as Jacob when he was on treatment. Lisa met her and her mom, Emily at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles.

When Elizabeth went home on hospice, her mother reached out for help. Lisa told her to pay attention to everything Elizabeth said and write it down. One day, Emily called and said, “I have to tell you what Elizabeth told me today. I was holding her in my arms and I said to her, I’m so grateful that God gave you to me, my only daughter.’ And Elizabeth replied, ‘Me too mommy. I had to wait such a long time for you.'”

Lisa realized their message was for her to heal an aspect of my grief perception: agreements are made before we are born. She no longer saw myself or my children as victims but rather, as participants. Through Emily’s sharing, little Elizabeth’s insights transformed my thinking.

Day 4 – From Fear to Love: Return to Joy

Story of The Healing Power of Spiritual Exploration.

On this final day, Lisa will talk about her prior Rythmia experience and how it healed her ability to fully love and accept myself. As a result, her perspective of death was also healed. Spiritual practices like plant medicine ceremonies help us see beyond this physical world. With Justin as my guide, plant medicine accelerated my ability to further embody the practice of channeling and share my joy as a teacher and healer more boldly.


On this final day, much time will be given to the attendees to share their own experience thus far.

“What have you experienced so far? What do you want to experience before leaving Rythmia? Have you been able to call forth your innate skill of mediumship?”

Call (844) 236-5674

Create your Rythmia Experience

Here’s what’s included with your 7 or 14-night journey

  • Michael Bernard Beckwith’s “The Answer Is You” Life Transformation Program
  • Yoga
  • Gerard Powell’s About Your Miracle
  • Farm-to-table organic locally-grown food, prepared fresh daily
  • Fresh juices
  • Life coaching
  • Licensed psychological counselors
  • Licensed naturopathic assistance
  • Massage
  • Day spa
  • Costa Rican volcanic mud baths
  • The Dead Sea Cleanse, colon hydrotherapy
  • Meditation instruction
  • Beaches
  • Bicycling

“Rythmia Presents” is a workshop series of interactive experiences with your favorite thought leaders, cultural creatives and change makers to help you activate new thinking and receive inspiration to become more authentic and awakened. As our gift to you, these up close and personal experiences with these luminaries are included in your visit.

Luminaries will interact and share eight hours with guests each week:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 1 – 3 p.m.

Call (844) 236-5674

Rythmia specializes in life transformation, health and wellness using the most breakthrough modalities.


Rythmia Life Advancement Center is a full-service, short-stay, licensed medical center, specializing in plant-based alternative therapies.