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How I made $100 Million and lost my soul Then spent a few thousand dollars to get it back


A little about my past.

My name is Gerard Powell, I was 41-years-old, I just sold my latest company for $94 million, I had six houses, two airplanes, 27 cars, a boat and everything else a human could possibly imagine.

And yet, I couldn’t figure out why I was so unhappy. I could manifest anything… and yet every new thing that I manifested ultimately made me feel worse about myself. I was using alcohol, drugs, sex and anything else imaginable to mask my pain. I was a miserable human being, a bad father and an even worse husband.

After moving to California for a fresh start, I failed again and got divorced. I was miserable and near the end. I undertook thousands of hours of counseling and it simply wouldn’t work. And then I was introduced to Reverend Michael Bernard Beckwith and I started going to AGAPE, and for the first time in my life I began to have hope. Reverend Beckwith assigned me to the most amazing Reverend, Kathleen McNamara, to assist me. And although I saw improvements I was still plagued with unhappiness. I was so far gone that even though the teachings were perfect and I could understand them, I still couldn’t feel the joy of being alive. I noticed that if I went to mass on Sunday, by the time Wednesday rolled around I was in trouble again. I still wasn’t happy.

My Miracle


On vacation in the Philippines I visited with a friend who was a shaman – he had a colleague with similar problems as me and he found a solution. She told me about an alternative medicine that was being served in Costa Rica and how it cured her friend. I was honestly near the end of my rope again so I thought what the heck I’ll go down and give it a try. So I went to Costa Rica and tried alternative medicine. It was a night that changed my life, I spent the evening with God who reaffirmed the metaphysical lessons I learned.

I got to see firsthand that love was holding the universe together, that we were all connected, and witnessed other universal truths directly from the source. The next morning, I was a different person. A miracle occurred in my life. I swore that day that I would do the right thing with my wealth and share the secret with as many people as I could. I realized that it wasn’t the alternative medicine alone but it was the combination of yoga, metaphysical teachings, colonic cleanses, meditation, breathwork, good food and alternative medicine that brought around this miraculous change in my life.

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Rythmia Life Advancement Center is a full-service, short-stay, licensed medical center, specializing in plant-based alternative therapies.