“Beyond words… already planning the next FRR (Family Reunion Rythmia)”

“Beyond words… already planning the next FRR (Family Reunion Rythmia)”

In September 2016 my wife and I visited for the first time after hearing about it from Kimberly & Foster (creators of “Thrive”). It was such a powerful experience that I knew I had to return, and I wanted to bring our young adult children with us so they could be exposed to the healing and transformation available at this place. Experiencing it as an individual, a couple and also as a family has been truly remarkable. Since returning from Costa Rica late January, we have all marveled at the changes that we see and feel in each other. The path won’t be easy… most likely it will push you to the edge of your limits, and… there is so so so much love and support from the staff and from Mother Nature herself that it will literally bring you to tears. I felt like I was broken, and I was literally put back together again, like Humpty Dumpty. No way to describe it but miraculous. And… we laughed sooo much! The ripples of laughter from our family could be heard across the resort (fortunately or unfortunately 😉 Gerry is deeply loving, inspired, genuine, irreverent, and funny as hell. The work being done at Rythmia is serious business, of course, but don’t take yourself too seriously… lighten up and be prepared to have the time of your life.

Stayed January 2017, traveled with family

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Rythmia Life Advancement Center is a full-service, short-stay, licensed medical center, specializing in plant-based alternative therapies.